Monday, September 15, 2014


September 14, 2014, at the Araneta Coliseum - Once again, 8 of the biggest universities in the Philippines have reunited to wow the crowd in one of the most anticipated cheer event of the year, the UAAP Cheerdance Competition. 

This years is probably the best season, so far, of UAAP CDC. Every team have showed what they have worked for in the past few months, and proved to all of us that Cheerleading is now a "thing". The UAAP CDC have really become stronger than ever, and surely, it will keep on getting better on the next seasons. This only mirrors that the cheerleading world in the Philippines can also be marketed in the international competitions, like the World Cheerleading Championship (WCC). This has already been proven this year when some of our best teams brought home golds, silvers and bronzes from different Asian and world competitions. 

Drawing of lots prior the competitions have determined the order of the performance. Let us watch each of the teams' routine according to the said order: 


Slowly, but surely, the Warriors of Ubelt are continuously improving. Kudos to Coach Gibson and Coach Dico. I know you guys won't give up until the Warriors are ready for the real battle ;) This team have also surprised the nationals, and just like UST, they made it to the finals. I am looking forward for a fiercer routine soon, and I know that we'll see you again on the nationals. #GetReadyForTheNextBattle


The Tamaraws are always living their name of being the "masters of the floorings". That's what I am always waiting from them. This team have given everyone a good fight though they didn't make it to the top 3. The difficulty of the routine was there, some mistakes are there, but FEU is FEU. I guess, there will always be a right time for everyone. I know the Tamaraws will start charging back. Will we see this team back on the nationals? #TamarawsChargeBack


They haven't failed to take a themed routine to a higher level. Always bringing new flavor on their routine, and giving a meaningful message to everyone. And for me, that is truly noble. UP Maroons are known risk takers. And I wish they could have risked more on the level of difficulty of their stunts, pyramids and tosses, because I know that they could also match NU's. Good job for a leveled up tumbling passes!  But over all, amazing job Marrons! One question is still on my mind though, when will the Maroons go back to the nationals? #StateHUE #Equality


WELCOME BACK TIGERS! Clap! Clap! Clap! First, I was surprised to see them for the first time from the last season of the nationals. They even made it to the finals. The Tigers never stopped there, they even growled back on this year's UAAP CDC and pawed the 3rd spot. The artistic routine that the Tigers were also known for was once again seen on the cheermats. Difficulty of their stunts leveled up this year too, pyramids are also nice. The Tigers is really now a team to watch out once more. #TigersGrowledBack #GoUSTE


I congratulate the Blue Babble Battalion for having an improved routine compared to what they have showed last year. Somehow, I also saw improvements on the difficulties on some stunts and pyramids. But I know  the Eagles can show better than that. Before, the Eagles are flying high on the nationals, and I know that they can also fly high once more on the next UAAP CDC. #FlyHigher #BringItOnAgain


I want to give Coach Rhufa a hug, for also sharing her passion and love towards cheerleading to this team. Because the result have been amazing, and we've started seeing it from the past seasons of UAAP CDC already. The Archers are in and out of the nationals, but they are definitely always ready to shoot for the UAAP CDC. The totality of the routine is still great, and I've seen improvements on the level of difficulty of the routine. Cleanliness and precision are factors that I am seeing that have rooms for a little leveling up. But DLSU is still one of my favorite teams, and I took an arrow when you gave your best shot during your performance. #AnimoLaSalle!


WOW! I want to congratulate Coach Arnold for always transforming those he are handling into definite ass-kickers! From the home of the national champions, CCP Bobcats, to the aviary of the soaring Falcons, Adamson PEP Squad. I am so proud, and thrilled, and amazed when I saw the routine of this team.  The Falcons have remained silent but until the dance, they have made a loud message that they are soaring higher than ever. Is this a call for for the nationals for the Falcons? #JustWOW! #BOW! #MostImproved


Everyone have expected that the Bulldogs will bring a bomb in their routine. After what happened from this year's NCC, I know that the dog days are not over yet. And this UAAP CDC, the NU Bulldogs have given a totally explosive monster nuclear bomb on the floor, even exceeding all of the expectations up on their heads. I wish they have given a more creative and artistic themed routine, but anyway, they still became the top scorer for the dance criteria. Woof! Woof! Will wee see a #Bark2Bark2Back? I am excited to see this group on the next season of the nationals.

No matter how hard it was to judge all of the routine, the top 3 teams were still hailed. Here is the official ranking and tally sheet of the UAAP CDC 2014:

"The cheerleading world is not just all about the spot that a team can get, it only comes second or will serve just as a reward. But what matters most are the hardwork, the dedication, the love and the passion that a cheerleader is giving within months of training for a few minute routine just to cheer the crowd. That's the true cheerleader thing" ;) - The Blog Prince

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